TOP 5 most popular a1qa blog topics
Do you know that IT sphere is considered to be one of the most rapidly developing industries? The latest IT trends are changing as fast as the readers’ attention. a1qa team has analyzed the posts that caught the greatest interest and compiled the list of TOP 5 most popular topics.
1. Agile
Agile is called the world’s most popular innovation engine that is why it will never lose its popularity.
The Introducing QA to Agile Team post by Svetlana Pravdina contains practical advice on how to implement QA to Agile teams. This article would be of special interest for those who would like to introduce QA to Agile team, but is confused or scared to face radical challenges.
The article Applying the Agile Manifesto to Mobile Testing by Nadia Knysh states the factors you should take into consideration if you want to follow The Agile Manifesto Principles in testing mobile apps. It provides you with practical tools to implement these principles The Agile Manifesto proclaims 4 key values and 12 that have been adapted for managing a variety of business and IT-related projects.
2. Test automation
Modern IT world requires more and more software QA engineers and test automation. The article Software Testing Needs More Automation by Aleksander Panchenko presents the results of global market research study.
Part 1 tells about the general directions in IT and automated tests results. Learn what future specialist forecast for test automation in particular, and IT world in general in Part 2.
3. Interview
Have you ever heard anything about Alan Page? He is the lead author of books about Software Testing and a software tester with nearly 20 years of experience, who has published a collection of essays on test automation. Read the interview Test Specialists are Essential Members of Software Teams to find out why Alan thinks that “the trends of more frequent releases and wide scale development of web services and apps dictate that the future of testing will change”.
One more prolific specialist is Eric Jacobson, a tester with 14 years of experience in IT industry. Read about Anti-Bottleneck testing and Eric’s attitude towards trivial bugs in A Story by an Anti-Bottleneck Tester post.
Lloyd Roden, a Developer, Test Analyst and Test Manager without any doubt can be called a cross-functional specialist. In the How to Challenge Complexity post Lloyd says why he names himself a Jedi Tester and why he is “a firm believer in Exploratory Testing”.
4. Security testing
Today DDoS/DoS attacks are so ubiquitous that almost every day a new case is highlighted. But do you know when the first DoS attack was registered and what was it like? The article DDoS/DoS Attacks: Experience-based Insight by Aleksey Abramovich points out the modern motives for carrying out DDoS/DoS attacks and defines categories of attacks depending on their target. Find general information in Part I. Read Part II, if you need more detailed information on the subject matter.
5. Mobile testing
What should you know when choosing automation testing tools and test approach to mobile testing? What factors can influence your choice? Find the answers to these and other questions in the Automated Testing of Mobile Applications post by Dmitry Tishchenko. It is obvious that automated tests are gaining popularity and automation of mobile application testing is decreasing testing costs.
As you can see a1qa always stays in step with the latest IT trends and posts valuable information. But there’s still a lot to be done. a1qa holds by what readers say. Comment this article and express your interests. What topics would you like to read about?