Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
a1qa diving into QA for manufacturing industry at the Rocky Mountain Expo & Tech Forum
Get inspired by the industry leaders in manufacturing
15 March 2023
Event information
a1qa is heading to the Rocky Mountain Expo & Tech Forum, taking place on March 15, 2023, Denver, that is aiming to bring together manufacturing indusrty leaders. It’s a great opportuninity for those who can share their expertise in crafting high-quality software and showcase the indispensable role of QA in manufacturing.
a1qa representatives
a1qa will be represented by Liza Makarova, QA solution advisor, who will gladly discuss how QA can reduce costs, shorten rime to market, and eliminate the risks of severe defects affecting your IT solution.
Meet us there
Fill out the form below and pre-book a talk with Liza to find out how QA can unlock your software’s full potential.