a1qa’s reps speaking and moderating at QA Global Summit’21 Volume 2 by Geekle
We are making it one more time at the Geekle’s event! On August 17-19, QA solution advisors at a1qa are speaking on industrial IoT topic and moderating the streams at the QA Global Summit’21 Volume 2 where both junior and senior-level IT peers discuss QA challenges, their ways out, and how they influence the IT market.
During three vivid days, seasoned experts from Deloitte, Microsoft, Facebook, and other renowned companies are delivering actionable insights into introducing Agile with confidence, building performance testing infrastructure, implementing AI into software testing, and many more.
a1qa’s solution advisors are looking forward to attending the event. Pavel Polyarush is among the speakers with the topic “QA for IIoT: Maintaining high efficiency of smart factories within Industry 4.0.”
He’ll give some details on the effective QA approaches for industrial IoT products and demonstrate a real-life case of ensuring quality within a smart building being one of the highly demanded IIoT use examples.
Aleksandr Tihonovich, Aleksandra Mironchik, Anna Malashenka, and Darya Savich are the hosts of senior and junior tracks where attendees are going to discuss QA strategies to enhance the software quality.

Welcome to joining us at the Summit!
Anytime you need professional QA support, please, get hold of the a1qa team.