a1qa extends ISO 27001 certification
a1qa is proud to announce another crucial step in its commitment to constant improvement of the rendered services. The company has extended the certification of its Information Security Management System to ISO 27001:2013 standard. The certification confirms that a1qa activities are compliant with the world-class standards in protecting sensitive data when providing software testing and auditing, as well as software quality assurance consulting services.
To maintain its ISO 27001 certification, a1qa underwent a strict assessment and internal audit of its information security management systems, revision of internal policies and processes. After that an accredited certification body has evaluated that the company’s technology infrastructure, physical and software assets, policies and procedures are completely free of risks, vulnerabilities and impacts and meet the highest standards of data security recognized by the top companies worldwide.
For over 12 years, a1qa has been a reliable provider of software testing and quality assurance services for various domains. With the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification our customers can be assured that at a1qa we are dedicated to safe guard all confidential data and provide high quality services to the clients’ full satisfaction.