a1qa holds ISO 9001:2008 certification
a1qa has successfully undergone a conformance audit and once again proved that the company's quality management system (QMS) meets the ISO 9001: 2008 requirements.
6 June 2015
a1qa has successfully undergone a conformance audit and once again proved that the company’s quality management system (QMS) meets the ISO 9001:2008 requirements.
a1qa is audited every 10 months from 2008. This time a1qa was audited by the independent organization certificating management systems, products and employees. The organization certified 4,000 companies from more than 20 countries worldwide.
The current amended ISO 9001 version of the year 2008 is approved as national and universal in almost 200 countries. The ISO 9000 standards set the QMS requirements, regardless of the company’s scope, staff or type of ownership.
a1qa certificate was issued on June 4, 2015 and indicates the services high level and the stability of the company.