a1qa named to the 2023 Global Outsourcing 100 list
a1qa is a member of the 2023 Global Outsourcing 100 (GO100) list, featuring the world’s prominent providers and advisors across a variety of industries: information technology, real estate, logistics, and manufacturing to name a few.
The GO100 annual listing is compiled by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) — a worldwide organization carrying out research and helping businesses find the industry’s best players that assist in attaining objectives with high-level outsourcing services.
The independent IAOP judges panel with vast expertise in selecting suppliers and advisors relies on rigorous scoring methodology and four major criteria — customer references, awards and certifications, programs for innovation, and corporate social responsibility.

For several consecutive years, the IAOP experts have included a1qa in the Global Outsourcing 100 list, which demonstrates the company’s adherence to the highest industry standards and global QA excellence.

a1qa is grateful to the IAOP’s judges for recognizing them as one of the leading outsourcing providers in 2023!
In case you need professional support with your software quality, feel free to contact the a1qa experts. QA outsourcing will help promptly scale the up and down QA team upon request.