Summing up a1qa highlights of 2016
This year was a busy one for a1qa, full of bright events, new acquaintances and memorable achievements. Now we are pleased to share the highlights of our successes over this past year with you.
We’ve expanded our facilities by establishing a new testing lab in Russia and delivery center in UK. These steps will help us to process the growing number of projects for local customers.
We’ve also continued networking around the world. ICTexpo in Helsinki, IBC Exhibition in Amsterdam, outsourcing seminar in London – that’s just a few of the events we took part in 2016.
Alongside traditional QA services, we’ve developed a new offer for small and medium-sized enterprises – Baseline Testing.
In July we have extended ISO 27001 certification to confirm our commitment to protect sensitive data of every client.
Our specialists kept tracking the industry novelties. The number of mobile devices has grown by 50%. iPhone 7, Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy S7 – the set of our devices have been updated as soon as they made it to the market.
Education stays among the main priorities of the company. The sixth annual a1qa Summer conference was traditionally organized on the last Sunday of August and gathered almost 300 software testers of all levels.
We have continued investing in development of our employees: the number of QA engineers specializing in mobile apps testing has gone up by 50 persons.
Hard work produces success. This saying characterizes the year 2016 for a1qa supremely well. Putting value on our QA approach, UK-based TEST Magazine has named a1qa among top three of 20 Leading Testing Providers. And in December we’ve passed a very important milestone for our company – completing the 1500th project.
On behalf of all of us here at a1qa, we wish you a great start and a lot of energy for the New Year.
See you in 2017!