The customer is the editorial company with millions of unique visitors, social media fans and followers.
The target audience is women of various age groups and social backgrounds. The company publishes mass media and advertising content on a number of its websites. On-trend content is published on a daily basis and is managed via CMS.
The a1qa consulting specialists were approached to evaluate the quality of the company’s QA process, detect its shortcomings, audit the team’s qualification, and estimate the possibility of applying Agile techniques.
The main focus was on the development process and on test automation implementation.
As part of the assessment project, the a1qa specialists carried out 9 interviews and questioned 12 team members, its vendors, and QA-engineers and thoroughly analyzed all QA-artifacts: QA-checklists, recent defects statistics, Sonar results for unit test coverage, test automation and performance scripts.
The a1qa team also reviewed additional, non-QA specific documentation such as an organizational chart, roadmaps, Atlassian Jira projects, and many more.
As the client presented conjunction of different organizations with no uniform QA methodologies or policies, the QA specialists were shared between Agile squads with a few dedicated QA manual testers and test automation engineers, some of which were contractors.
The communication process was obstructed. However, a1qa had to evaluate the quality of the remote teams and a way out was found – some of the distributed teams were interviewed remotely.
Within the project realization, numerous problem spots were detected. The a1qa consultants studied them all and came up with suggestions for improvement.
A detailed report indicating all the results, proposals for improvement and a roadmap for proposals implementation was prepared.
The a1qa specialists defined some of the problem areas and submitted proposals including the following: