The client assists its customers in developing impactful software solutions across a range of industries.
Acknowledging businesses’ need to win over competitive markets, the client emphasized quality assurance as a key factor to success. a1qa was engaged to help achieve this goal.
The initial engagement between the client and a1qa began with a pilot run. The company was pleased with the results achieved and engaged a1qa for further assistance on 20+ projects across a range of industries including:
In the USA, proxy dial-up systems for phones are commonly used, 911 calls may be routed to the wrong public safety answering point (PSAP). Additionally, the complexity of buildings can make it difficult for an ambulance to identify the floor a call came from. To address these hurdles, the client developed a universal solution for defining end users’ location and notifying security personnel of every emergency call.
The client leverages an adaptive web application to gather data from multiple sources, process it, and then display on one screen information about the state of health, past tests, and necessary treatment for patients.
In another project, web and mobile apps were developed to provide personalized wellness journeys for employees who want to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Once specified goals are achieved, they earn points and are rewarded by their employer.
The company designed an eCommerce B2B web solution for distributing replacement parts for kitchen and home appliances throughout the country.
The client established a cloud-based ERP tool for lightning-fast task management within their organization. With easy integration into existing systems, prioritization of goals, and an extended customization kit, it is an advanced solution for improving performance within enterprises.
The developer offers insurance companies a comprehensive payment solution suite to settle claims payments. The company also supports electronic funds transfer (EFT) for single and multiple payees, B2B and virtual payments, as well as payments for mortgages or liens.
A mobile app was developed to enhance the selling skills and maximize the performance of their specialists. Managers can regularly assess the competencies of sales experts and provide feedback on areas for improvement.
To alleviate the administrative burdens of reviewing repairs and costs, the customer provides ERP-based bespoke solutions for effective fleet management and expense control.
A web app assists farmers and ranchers in improving land stewardship and productivity whilst receiving no-cost consultations from researchers striving to foster agriculture development.
Throughout this ongoing partnership, a1qa has significantly enhanced various business-critical dimensions for the client.
Before a1qa assured product quality, they set up processes from the ground up.
The goals were to assist the client in keeping up with competitor’s development pace and adopting Scrum methodology with 2 weeks’ sprints. Leveraging their vast expertise in Agile, the team identified the core direction of process configuration, defined KPIs to track progress, and alerted the client to possible pitfalls. Ongoing sync ups served to plan the workload and solve emerging issues while Scrum ceremonies like bug triage or retrospective helped prioritize the scope, analyze results, and investigate the space for improvement.
To optimize processes, a1qa’s consultants:
When implemented, the recommendations became a silver bullet for streamlined project delivery.
With so many industries covered by the client’s products, a1qa implemented the following testing types to boost the quality of software products:
In the healthcare domain, a1qa tested iOS and Android-based mobile apps designed for different clients using white labeling to turn on/off specific features. To ensure accurate results, a1qa team tested on real mobile and fitness devices and created a device matrix based on statistics of their usage worldwide. The approach was flexible and allowed for the addition of extra gadgets if necessary.
The a1qa team ensured proper integration of the eHealth mobile apps with numerous solutions such as Google and Apple Maps, Foursquare, HealthKit, Google Fit, Apple Watch, Calm, and Headspace.
Ensuring integration quality with a range of third-party services including Google Analytics, MapMyFitness, Salesforce, Amazon, Hyatt, Gyft, and Vindicia — was also a high priority for the team.
To ensure that the software operates smoothly for current users and provides a streamlined experience for early adopters, a1qa implemented a full scope of performance testing activities regardless of the industry the product belongs to. These included:
All detected drawbacks were assembled in a detailed report followed by a1qa’s recommendations for enhancement.
The team often implemented test automation from the ground up. To achieve this, a1qa harnessed tried and true hacks to help the client speed up time to market and free up development resources that would be better used in innovating software products.
Test automation effectiveness was gauged by means of ROI. To set up Java-based process, the QA team defined the scope to be covered by automation (smoke and regression testing), determined the strategy, and identified the best toolkit, resulting in reduced testing times.
Another project dedicated to flexible test automation solution adoption helped cover 95% of tests without any tool limitations. These scripts were easily maintained in case of product changes. This approach resulted in a 40% reduction in manual engineers’ labor during regression testing and provided faster results for critical features.
a1qa conducted localization testing to ensure a pleasant user experience for international clients. The testing was aimed at verifying that data is processed correctly in target languages, text is fully translated, and information is still intelligible after size changes.
The a1qa team analyzed and validated the software requirements to eliminate any logical contradictions and designed a precise set of test cases. They performed smoke testing to identify critical bottlenecks that could impede further activities, and conducted new feature testing each time novel functionality was implemented. They ensured faultless operation of the previously introduced refinement through regression testing. Finally, to provide a high-quality user experience, UI tests were implemented.
To deliver empowering services, a1qa continuously upskills its associates and enhances processes, namely:
With their R&D center in Europe, the client continues to prioritize long-term QA cooperation with a1qa over scaling up software testing associates. They highly value and recommend a1qa to businesses in search of a trusted QA service vendor.