The client is a well-known developer of a Salesforce-based cloud platform that simplifies the process of building a talent pipeline.
To accelerate time to market, improve the operation of the internal QA department, and ensure high software quality within strict release deadlines, the client required professional assistance of QA consulting and testing experts.
The client’s customizable IT product offers AI-powered search, real-time dashboards and analytics, automated rescheduling, and resume parsing, helping recruiters quickly and effectively track the right candidates.
To help the client meet set milestones on time, a1qa:
The client’s team is distributed across the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, and India. The IT department rapidly increased by 80 people, including QA specialists. The client aimed to improve operational efficiency and meet the high-pressure deadline.
To cut the distance, build stronger professional connections, and meet tight deadlines, the a1qa team visited the client onsite. During this visit, the experts spotted existing process flaws, their root causes and consequences, prioritized the order of fixing them as well as developed an implementation and maintenance plan.
As a result of thorough assessment, the a1qa team designed the improvements and a roadmap for their implementation as well as aligned them with the client. All enhancements were adopted step by step. a1qa’s engineers gathered feedback during retrospectives, set an example through the work of its team, and monitored the results of changes using a set of metrics for measuring the quality of software and working processes.
To organize a more effective learning process, a1qa assigned 2 tutors from the in-house proprietary Academy. They were responsible for assessing the current skill level of 10 QA specialists, performing training sessions, teaching them how to apply obtained knowledge in practice, and checking the level of achievement afterward.
After identifying the knowledge gaps and QA background of the client’s engineers, the tutors organized a customized online functional testing course based on a1qa’s internal programs designed in the proprietary Academy. The tailored educational program comprised the following actions:
The engineers excelled at performing practical software testing tasks, started detecting more issues of diverse severity levels, and passed their theory test with flying colors.
As a result, QA consulting and training brought by a1qa contributed to achieving regular release cadence.
To help the client meet tight release deadlines and ensure sound IT solution operation, a1qa fulfilled:
As a result, a1qa ensured strict compliance with set deadlines and helped to release top-tier software. What’s more, a1qa’s team identified business risks to establish quick problem-solving, ensured a timely process of informing all project stakeholders, constantly followed PDCA cycles, and implemented changes defined during the consulting phase.
The project continues up to now, and the client appreciates a1qa’s contribution to releasing an IT solution that appeals to a target audience.