We must admire the professionalism of the experienced engineers, the maturity of the processes, and the ability to be flexible on the project.
Head of IT Division A1/Telekom Austria Group
A1 is the leading East European telecom operator, serving over 4.8 M subscribers, both private and corporate. Since Nov. 2007, A1 has been a member of Telekom Austria Group (TAG).
a1qa specialists were to provide quality assurance for the successful integration of OSS/BSS.
The main business objectives were to accelerate time to market, foster marketing innovations, increase client loyalty, support internal customer technological service, raise ARPU, improve business process planning, integrate new system modules, and support client services.
In the scope of integration testing, a1qa specialists performed the following tasks:
Poorly established testing approach:
No test cases in place:
Unprepared environment for acceptance procedures:
Lack of system technical documentation: